Egg your principal- In a very nice and respectful way, of course!
Buy one of those HUGE eggs that are probably on sale right now. Tell your students that they will be filling the egg with egg-stra special letters that they will write to their principal. (We also egged our assistant principal!) Of course, we used this as a mini-writing lesson and reviewed some egg-cellent word choice that they might use in their letter, such as the ones listed below:

Students then egg-celled at writing an awesome note:
“Hello, how are you today? I am eggcellent. I think you have an eggstraordinary office. Tell Mr. Z I said hello. You are an eggspert for creating Jeopardy for us. I hope that you have an eggciting Field Day.”

“I think you are very egg-celent and nice. I like when you talk in public. You are so brave.
You are a very nice person.”
I placed all the notes in the egg, sneaked into the office of our principal and assistant principal and officially “egged” them.

You could also have a couple of your students act as official “eggers” (not sure that is even a word?!) and deliver the egg and “You’ve been egged” note to their principal!
Go egg your principal before Easter! :)
7 Responses
Love this! Wish I had read this earlier before all the stores closed. I'll have to remember it for next year :)
LOVE this! I can't wait to do it tomorrow. :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! We were out on spring break so when we go back on Monday, we will "Egg our principal!" : )
I am unable to download the "You've been egged file" keep getting an error message. Could you please send it me via email? Thank you sooooo much!
Cindy, I just emailed you the file. :)
Is anyone else having trouble with this download? If so, please let us know and we can post it on TPT for free instead of google documents. :) Thanks!
SOOO CUTE! I cant wait to use it next year!
LOVE this!!
We just did it and my kids and admin LOVE it!!
♥ Jen
The Teacher's Cauldron