When I said that our reading lesson would involve an “egg hunt,” the students were absolutely GIDDY with excitement. Yes, third graders excited about an egg hunt! :) I must admit I was a little surprised, too!

All you need is one egg per student!

Have a smart little bunny pass out the eggs before beginning a shared reading, guided reading lesson, or a read a-loud.

I taught this lesson to jazz up our weekly basal reading story, which the students get a little bit bored with this time of the year.
After listening to the story, this student wrote three thick questions and then wrapped them on up to fit inside the egg.

No, they are not in time out!
They are NOT PEEKING when each student is hiding their egg throughout the classroom. To make this go very quickly, I had the students go in order according to where they sit and then when they were done, tap the next person. Some background music didn’t hurt either! It took less than five minutes for all 25 students to hide their egg.
After finding all of the eggs, the students then got back to work :) and wrote the answers to the questions that were inside the egg they found. And then, of course, they wanted to do it again!
Here is the file if you are interested in doing this reading lesson with your students.
Click on the link below, not the images.
Click on the file name to print the lesson from google docs for free: Egg-stra Thick Questions
Enjoy! :)
4 Responses
What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing. I bet students would enjoy this no matter the grade. The older ones would, of course, enjoy it secretly after making fun of it. I know when I sub in junior high I sometimes play the games I do with the younger ones, and they get a kick out of that. I'll have to remember this lesson for next year.
This is eggdorable!! hehe! I think I'll have to give this a go! How do you come up with so many cute ideas??? Who inspires you?
Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher
I love this idea! Thanks so much for sharing!
I still get excited about an egg hunt and I am 20. :) Great idea! :)