Classroom Library Kit- The file contains everything you need to keep your classroom library running effectively and smoothly.
File includes:
1, Colorful posters to print for a classroom library shopping schedule- several different options included
2. Classroom library book check out resources
3. Classroom library “book hospital” and “T.L.C. books” posters
4. Classroom library book bin labels, according to these categories: series, favorite authors, genres, social studies/science topics
5. A powerpoint file for you to customize your own classroom library book bin labels
***Note: The classroom library book bin labels are also part of my reading workshop BUNDLE*****
FYI- My classroom library stick holders are also part of this file- but I did not include them as part of the number of pages since it already is a freebie :)
This is a zip file!
Get instant LIFETIME access to hundreds of passages for all levels! These reading passages will create a high level of engagement for your readers and are perfect for their reading level.
Creating a classroom community of engaged and independent readers starts from day one of the school year! I created 26 different graphic organizers and a free reading response journal to inspire your readers!
Each graphic organizer correlates to a story that promotes inclusion, kindness, and empathy! Download today for free!