What MOTIVATES your students? At the beginning of a new school year, I make it my mission to find out what motivates my students to be good citizens and students.
What motivates my students? Here is a list of just a few things I have learned motivate my third graders to be good people and try their best:
Possible reasons why students are motivated to do well in school:
- I like when I get a sticker.
- I like when the teacher compliments me in front of the entire class.
- I like when I get a piece of candy.
- I like when my teacher writes a positive note to my parents.
- I like when my teacher sends a positive email to my parents.
- I like when the teacher writes me a happy note on my desk.
- I like to get attention from my teacher and spend time with him/her.
- I like to have extra indoor/outdoor recess.
Once I learn once truly motivates my students, then I can **REWARD** them in a way that is SO meaningful to them! I love to reward my students for small and big accomplishments! At the beginning of the year, I find that it is imperative to PRAISE students for good choices and working hard, in order to set the expectations for the year.
We have been in school for two weeks (although it feels like months!!) I made it a priority to reward every student with one reward that motivates him/her. They were GIDDY when they found some extra attention from me, a little sweet treat on their desk, or a note to take home to their mom and dad.
And really, it is so simple on my part. It takes minutes, sometimes seconds, to individually reward these kiddos. Not only that…but it makes me happy to know that my students are happy. :)
Disclaimer: I do not reward every kind word, deed, or act. I do not reward a student EVERY time they work hard. In fact, I explain exactly that at the beginning of the year. However, I DO reward them when they absolutely deserve it. I love to focus on the positive and share that good news with the child and their parents.
Are you ready to see what motivates your students to do well in school?
Snag this FREEBIE from my website by clicking on the image or button below.
Another benefit to finding out this information about your students is that you can use it as an artifact for your Teacher Evidence binder!!! If you use Danielson model, you will want to make sure you are collecting evidence from the START of the school year…so you are not frantically trying to gather all your paperwork last minute. (Does that sound like it happened to me!?!) Maybe : )
I wrote a blog post about gathering evidence for your Teacher Evaluation Binder. If you are interested in checking that out, click HERE, or on the image below:
And one more thing…teachers need some motivation, too, a little now and then! I absolutely LOVE this motivational video. I will literally listen to it on my way to the gym, after school, when I am dead tired and would PAY to go home instead. It helps :)
Now that you are motivated, leave me a quick comment about other ways that you find your students to be motivated!!!