“There’s something wierd, in the neighborhood….who you gonna call?? GHOST BUSTERS!!!”
Begin the lesson by playing the Ghost Buster song! Then, tell the students that they will be Ghost Busters and go on a ghost hunt for this writing lesson about PREPOSITIONS!
Here are the materials you need:
Tootsie pops, Kleenex, String, and the Ghost Buster song (optional) :)
Have the students make four ghosts by wrapping Kleenex around the Tootsie pops. Tie string around the Kleenex to keep it in place.

When all the ghosts are ready, tell your little ghost busters to put their heads down and hang out at their desks. Turn off the lights and play the music! Have each child one at a time go hide their 4 ghosts somewhere in the classroom. When they are done, have them tap the next student on the shoulder. (It took our class five minutes to do this- or, listening to the Ghost Buster song three times!)

After all ghosts are hidden, it is time to go for a ghost hunt!
Have the ghost busters go find 4 ghosts each.
To start with WRITING part of this lesson, have the students write sentences, using prepositions, describing where the found or hid their ghosts.
The ghosts were hiding INSIDE of the green tree BY my teacher’s desk.

The spooky ghost was hiding UPON a large vase of apples OR I found my ghost BENEATH a stack of red and green apples.

This is also a great lesson on word choice and adding DETAILS to your writing.

Finally, extend the lesson for homework! Your students can be Ghost Busters at home, too! The parents hide the ghosts somewhere in the house and the children go and find the ghosts. Students then write about where the ghosts were hiding….UNDER my bed, ABOVE the TV…you get the idea!
Click on the “download” button below for this FREEBIE!!
Happy Hunting!! :)
15 Responses
I love this!!! SOOO Cute!
What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing!
I love this.. Such a fun idea. Thanks for sharing! I'm a new follower!
Great Idea! I can't wait to try it! thank you
Love it! Can't wait to do this! :)
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO creative!
You gals are amazing!
So cute! I am going to try this next week! Thanks for sharing!
❁Beth Ann❁
Taming My Flock of Firsties
love, love, love!
What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing! I am a new follower of you blog and would love you to come visit my blog any time! =)
Teaching First
I just discovered your blog and have spent at least the past hour reading each entry! I must have pinned almost every entry on my Pinterest board as well! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity and lesson plan ideas. It is very inspiring!
This is awesome! What a fun way to teach prepositions. I am always looking for more creative and hands-on ways to teach grammar concepts to my 5th graders. You've definitely gotten a new follower in me! :)
~Mrs. P @ The Polka Dot Owl Blog
Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!
Great lesson! thanks for sharing!
maria @charmedinthirdgrade.blogspot.com
I'm loving this! We listened to the ghostbusters song last week while working on our Halloween stories! I will be doing this activity this week! Thanks for sharing!
Live Laugh and Love to Learn
I love all your ideas! I am a homeschooler and have been going through your blog. Thanks for all the awesome ideas and lesson plans!