Whooo’s a good-looking kid? All of my students are!
As soon as I saw Mrs. Lee’s adorable owls (or her sister’s I should say?) I knew I was going to make those with my kiddos! I bought one of those big mirrors on sale in the college/back to school section in August ($4.00 on sale Target) and was thinking about how to incorporate it into my classroom. WHOOO’s a good-looking kid came to my mind!
We traced owls onto scrapbook paper and then made eyes and beaks! I then added their names with an Avery label.
I actually taught my kiddos how to use the mirror as a little self-esteem booster. I modeled to my class how to “talk to yourself” when you need a little pep talk or “just because.”
My students were silent- as in you could hear a PIN DROP- as I was modeling how to give myself a pep talk and saying positive affirmations.
I talked to myself in the mirror and showed the students how saying, “I am going to do great on my math test today!” or “I am a really nice friend!” can help you feel good about yourself.
As I was doing this, I think some kids wanted to laugh! I can’t blame them because I kinda wanted to laugh, too! It seemed so silly to look in the mirror and just talk!
However, I feel it is so important to teach our students to RESPECT THEMSELVES just like we teach them to respect everyone else in school! We talk about RESPECT so much, especially at the beginning of the year. But what does that look like or sound like when you respect yourself??
It did not take long for the other boys and girls to follow my lead! There was one brave, little girl who went first to the mirror and I was sure to give lots of praise for doing so! That helped all the other kids march right up there!
Now, do I still have kids going to look in the mirror to check out their hair? 

OF COURSE!!! ESPECIALLY TODAY-PICTURE DAY!!! :) We were all checking out our hair!
Do I want them to think that they are a good- looking kid when they see themselves in the mirror? Of course! But I also want them to respect who they are on the inside- the part the mirror doesn’t show, too!

All the Vista print fans out there…
Use the owl template on Vista print to create cute sayings- Whooooo’s Somebody Special? YOU ARE!
Other examples of using mirrors in the classroom…

When the cuties are sharpening their pencils, they can look at their cute face in the mirror!

Some flower framed mirrors!

On the chalkboard ledge behind the guided reading table, it reads “What a great reader!” On one of the cabinets, “What a smart kid!”
And hey, the next time YOU look in the mirror- pay yourself a compliment!
10 Responses
i love this idea!
Love this! Thanks for sharing :)
What a wonderful idea!!! I love it!
I LOVE this!! We are currently working on respecting others' feelings, but I also want the students to respect and have confidence in themselves. Our school mascot is also an owl so this works out perfectly for me!!
In honor of all of your GREAT ideas and your yummy cupcake web page decor, I am bestowing upon you the Versatile Blogger Award. Please visit my blog site to get the award pic, get the rules, and pay it forward to 15 deserving bloggers such as the two of you. Here is the URL:
Happy Blogging!!!
absolutely awesome! Gotta hang some mirrors right now!
I have nominated your blog for the versatile teaching blog award!!!
Head on over to my blog to accept your award button and get the rules for the award!
Happy Blogging!
I started to follow your blog and am so excited to see what you have to share. I LOVE the precious owls!
I love the owls!!!!