Expository Writing- Learn about the characteristics of expository writing in an authentic way…by having your students write their very own recipes for friendship!
Just like chicken soup is good for the soul, so is a good friend! After reading some stories about friendship and kindness in Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul, students work with their friend (cooperative learning!) and write a recipe for a great friendship. Students will choose the just right ingredients (1 cup laughter!) to write a detailed recipe for friendship. This is great for Valentine’s Day, your anti-bullying week, or any day that you are celebrating friendship/teamwork, such at the beginning of the year!
This file includes:
* Lots of colorful posters to display the completed writing project
* Suggested lesson plan
* Recipe templates for the student to write
* Resources to make a class recipe book
* Famous friendship quotes to discuss/write about their meaning
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Melissa :)
Get instant LIFETIME access to hundreds of passages for all levels! These reading passages will create a high level of engagement for your readers and are perfect for their reading level.
Creating a classroom community of engaged and independent readers starts from day one of the school year! I created 26 different graphic organizers and a free reading response journal to inspire your readers!
Each graphic organizer correlates to a story that promotes inclusion, kindness, and empathy! Download today for free!