Are you ready to have your students take complete ownership over their learning and behavior? If so, you will need to focus on teaching about the process of making SMART goals! SMART goals can be created any time of the school year, NOT just in January, for New Year’s.
Using a race car theme, students will “REV” their engines and “DRIVE” to reach a new goal!
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Resources include:
1. Setting the stage for goal setting- A fun way to engage your students in the process of goal setting! REV’ up your students’ excitement! Pictures and printables included!
2. Racer application
3. Race car driver license
4. Process of goal setting (list of 5 steps)
5. Creating SMART goals (Black/White and color acrostic poem templates, with the definition for each letter)
6. SMART goals bulletin board (11 pages)
7. Sorting examples and non-examples of SMART goals-There are 16 goal cards in color, and also black and white, for students to sort into the correct category.
8. SMART goal setting templates- Includes several different templates that students can use to help formulate their goal.
9. Pit crew- Students identify two people who will part of their “pit crew!”
10. Student journals for data tracking- Students create a journal to document their progress towards reaching their goal. Includes cover page in color and black/white and three different journal pages.
11. Monitoring Progress- Using red, yellow, and green circle stickers, as a creative and fun way to monitor your students’ progress towards their goal.
12. Affirmations and Encouraging Notes- If your students need a little boost of encouragement to reach the finish line, leave them a little positive note of encouragement or have them repeat a positive affirmation. Includes a black/white and color printable of affirmations and note of encouragement.
13. Overcoming Roadblocks- On the road to success, there may be some detours and roadblocks. Students identify strategies to overcome challenges.
14. Welcome to Winner’s Circle- Once your students reach their goals, present them with an award! Includes black/white and color awards.
Get instant LIFETIME access to hundreds of passages for all levels! These reading passages will create a high level of engagement for your readers and are perfect for their reading level.
Creating a classroom community of engaged and independent readers starts from day one of the school year! I created 26 different graphic organizers and a free reading response journal to inspire your readers!
Each graphic organizer correlates to a story that promotes inclusion, kindness, and empathy! Download today for free!