Guided Reading Binder: Get Organized!

teacher reading binder
We get many emails asking us about our Teacher Reading Binder.  Lots of people want to know the difference between some of the files included, what grade levels it works best with, and what their students can be doing while they’re meeting with guided reading groups.  Well, we’ve taken these questions and used them to make some changes to this file to better meet the needs of teachers while maintaining the key components of guided reading.  Whether you’ve already purchased the Reading Binder or are thinking about it, the following Q and A will answer any questions you might have.  As always, please feel free to email us with any questions!  :)
guided reading binder
Question:  What updates did you make to the Teacher Reading Binder?
We took out the literature group and reader’s workshop response portions of the binder because, although literature groups can be done while students are working with you in guided reading groups, we wanted to add things to that file and therefore wanted it to stand on it’s own.  We replaced these files with over 100 new pages of reading goodness!
The updated Teacher Reading Binder now includes:
1. Guided Reading Binder 101
2. Guided Reading Guru
3. Reading Binder Cover Pages
4. Comprehension Posters
5. Guided Reading Teacher/Student Venn Diagram
6. Intermediate Grades Comprehension Reading Activities
7. Primary Grades Comprehension Reading Activities
8. Guided Reading Groups Bulletin Board Display
9. Reading Prescription Craft
Question:  What do I do if I already purchased the Teacher Reading Binder?
First, make sure you save the 2 literature group files and the reader’s workshop reading response file.  Next, log into your TPT account, go to My Purchases, find the Teacher Reading Binder file and redownload it to get the most updated version that includes the added goodies!!
Question: What is the difference between the Guided Reading Guru and the Teacher Reading Binder?  Do I need to buy both files to make a complete binder?
No!!  The Guided Reading Guru file is included in the Teacher Reading Binder.
Question:  What do I do if I already purchased the Guided Reading Guru file and now I wish I bought the Teacher Reading Binder?
You can buy the Teacher Reading Binder Add On for $12.  It includes all of the files in the Teacher Reading Binder minus the Become a Guided Reading Guru file.  Be sure to check out our post, Guided Reading Binder 101, to see how to put the entire binder together.
Question:  What grade levels are appropriate for the Teacher Reading Binder?
While it always depends on the class and the teacher, we recommend the Teacher Reading Binder for teachers in grades first through fifth.
Question:  Is there anything in the file that my class can do while I’m working with guided reading groups?
Yes, the updated version of the binder includes both primary and intermediate independent reading activities that can be used with any guided reading book.
Question:  What if I use the Daily 5?  Will this still help me?
Since the activities in the Teacher Reading Binder will help you organize your reading groups, keep anecdotal records on your students, set up bulletin board displays, and provides independent reading activities for your students we feel that it would easily fit into your Daily 5 block.
Question:  Where do I go to purchase the Teacher Reading Binder?
You can purchase the file at at TPT HERE.
Question:  Can I just purchase the cover pages that are included in the Teacher Reading Binder?
Yes!  You can purchase just the cover pages HERE .
Question:  I was hoping to incorporate literature groups into my classroom.  Can I still purchase the literature group portion that was taken out of the binder?
**UPDATE as of April 1, 206** The literature group file is now longer sold in my TPT shop. Instead, I created a brand new file about implementing book clubs into your reading block. Instead of using prescribed jobs for each student, book clubs encourage genuine conversations about books.
book clubs
 book clubs book clubs
Click HERE for see the Book Clubs on TPT
There are 15 mini-lessons that are included in this file, which focus on establishing routines and setting expectations for book clubs with your students.
Mini-lessons include:
Detailed lesson plans
Colorful posters for you to print for your anchor charts
Reproducibles for your studentsDuring this unit, readers will learn to:
-Define book clubs and understand its importance
-Describe characteristics of what book clubs LOOK like
-Describe characteristics of what book clubs SOUND like
-Book club members are assigned
-Commit to expected behaviors
-Shop for a book
-Follow agendas to stay on task
-Prepare for group meetings
-Read assigned portions of text and take notes about what they read
-Participate in a group discussion
-Share their opinions with group members
-Keep conversations on-task and focused
-Compromise and problem solve when issues arise
-Use prompts to guide their discussions
-Self-reflect and evaluate their performance
Also included in this unit:
-A note to send home to parents
-Tips for teachers about implementing book clubs successfully
-Detailed rubrics for teachers and students
-Bulletin board resources, where each group can post their group name, picture, assignment, and other important information
Question:  I am having trouble opening the file I purchased.  What can I do?
Since the Teacher Reading Binder is made up of 11 separate pdf files compressed into 1 zip file, make sure you have the newest version of WinZip (  When you click on Download after making your purchase, open the file, and extract all of the pdf’s.  Save them to your computer so you always have them.
Question:  Can I see a preview of the new files included in the binder?
Sure!  Here you go…

Guided Reading Venn Diagram
Can also be purchased separately

guided reading venn diagram
Reading Prescription: A fun and creative way to address those common reading ailments:
reading strategy posters
Also sold separately HERE
Comprehension worksheets for intermediate and primary students:
Screen Shot 2016-08-21 at 5.22.02 PM
Question:  Can you refresh my memory and show me some of the files that are still part of the guided reading binder?
Of course!
guided reading file preview
teacher reading binder
The cover pages for your guided reading binder are now a Power Point file, so that you can add your own text box for each page. The cover binder can also be bought separately.
 reading binder
instruction grouping for guided reading
guided reading binder
You can purchase the reading binder from Teachers Pay Teachers by clicking HERE.
Or, you can save 10% by purchasing direction from my website. 

Please let me know if you have any other questions!



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11 Responses

  1. Thank you, I love the new additions. When I downloaded the new one, some of the pages have a black, blurry line and I can't read what it says. I downloaded the Adobe Reader X, but it is still blurry. Any suggestions?
    Thanks again!!

    1. Hi-
      A Mac will automatically open the file with Preview if you don't say otherwise. So, in your Finder Window, highlight the file and then click on the tool in the top of the Finder Window that looks like a sprocket. Then choose Open With and then Other and then select Adobe Reader. Let us know if you need anything else! :)

  2. Quick question: I purchased your reading file. I don t seem to have the sheets that say Readers: (in the cute frames) or the sheet that you have for each group that you sticky note and it says what level. Am I missing something? I am sooo determined to be organized this year during guided reading. Thanks for all your help and suggestions!

    1. Hi-
      Since it's such a big file, it's easy to get lost in it all!! The Readers: in the cute frames can be found in file number 8: Guided Reading Groups BB Display pages 8-13. The sheet with the sticky notes for the different groups is in file 2 Guided Reading Guru Revised page 27. If I misunderstood the pages you were asking about, please email us at and we'll make sure we help you find exactly what you are looking for!!
      Thanks for visiting our site! :)

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