Resources that keep me afloat

These are THE resources that keep me afloat. My favorite bloggers over at Owl-ways Be Inspired are having a fun little linky, called Resources that keep us afloat. Read on to see what resources are keeping my head above water during a week when I have MORE THAN ONE meeting everyday and conferences on Thursday […]

February: Celebrating American Heart Month

One of my favorite teaching strategies is to integrate science and social studies into my ELA lessons. If I am also able to incorporate thematic holidays into my teaching, that is an added bonus. In this case, I am able to tie this lesson into celebrating American Heart Month in February. I was able to […]

Making Valentines for Special School Staff Members: A SWEET FREEBIE!

Throughout the year, I try to find ways for my students to express their appreciation for the staff members at our school. I love how excited my students get when they participate in random acts of kindness during the month of December, so I try to think of as many ideas as I can for […]