Report Card Student Self-Reflection

How do you pass out report cards in your classroom? In the past few years, I have done everything from just putting them on their desk right or in their mailbox before the bell rang to having an individual conference with each child. Simply putting the report cards in their mailbox did not provide enough feedback for the […]

Using Tangrams to Create Animals

Today I did a creative and engaging math lesson for our geometry lesson on tangrams. I began by reading this awesome, simple, quick read. The book is called Three Pigs, One Wolf, and Seven Magic Shapes, written by Grace Maccarone  Have you ever read this book with your students? It is a great story that uses the […]

Perspective Lesson

We are wrapping up our unit on nutrition! A great way to incorporate writing with content area subjects is to give students the opportunity to write a letter from a different perspective. For this lesson, students wrote letter to Junk Food, from the perspective of Healthy Food. One passionate letter: Dear Junk Food, I wish you […]

Introducing Division

How do you introduce division to your students? Check out these three ideas! Have extra Halloween candy left over? Have some stuffed animals or action figures in your classroom? Are your students bringing American Girl Dolls to school, or other stuffed animals as a class reward? Any extra reading buddies? Use them for a concrete example of division! I […]

Sugar Shock!!!

This blog post will share a lesson that you can use to teach your students about sugar. First off, let me say that the most perfect time to do this lesson is right around a certain holiday that sugar in every direction you look- Butterfingers, Tootsie Rolls, M&M’s…oh my! I **LOVE** to teach this lesson […]

Spring Craft

We thought that you would never come!!! It’s amazing what excitement a little bottle of this can do: Even for big third graders!!! With yesterday being the first official day of spring, we wrote about what signs of spring we are observing outside: birds chirping, kids playing outside, more daylight, grass getting greener, flowers and […]